Brand story of 德天
A significant part of our lives, food brings comfort to all of us – whether we are tired from a day’s work, or simply hungry. A meal is all it takes to make the perfect excuse for us to put aside work and catch up with our loved ones or friends. Perhaps, it is in the sharing of food with others that keeps us all connected.
“Connecting People Through Good Food”
Realising that such sessions can bring families and friends closer, the team at 德天 came up with an idea of creating a comfortable place to share the joy of eating, through relationships. Hence, this is what 德天 aims for: to bring good food to you in a comfortable environment where you can bond with your families or friends over a good meal. Believing that proper handling of food is a definite baseline to good food, 德天 aims to adhere to quality standards to provide the best for you in this sunny island of ours.

Our Philosophy
“Doing Right, Doing Good”
In order to do good, we believe that we must start doing things right. Often, the right thing to do may not be as clear. But by adhering to the best of our values and right practices, we have confidence in doing good, providing good food, as well as spreading the atmosphere of “goodness” to every customer in 德天.
The word “德” can mean a lot of things, but in our context, it is portrayed as one’s morality and 天 means everybody. Here at 德天, the importance of having good character holds dearly to us and we would not want to scrimp on that. So with our best effort and character, we hope to bring good food to everybody (including you) and provide a reason for you to enjoy their food.

Our Mission and Vision
Our mission is to deliver our customers the best quality of food through our heart and soul. In the coming future, we hope to become Singapore’s most-loved coffee house that brings happiness to everybody – not only through its food and service but its environment as well.

Behind Our Logo
In our logo, the blue colour stands for trustworthiness while the yellow colour means happiness and positivity or optimism and the overflowing bowl represents a variety or abundance of food at 德天 – conveying a positive spirit in the food and services that 德天 will be bringing to you.
Our Community Project
Believing that a little generosity, kindness and compassion creates a beautiful world for everyone, we’d wanted to do something right – by extending a hand to the poor and needy in Singapore and spreading goodness across our society – through our Belanja-A-Meal movement.